Post 5: Changes to my study programe
When I started my university career I was so excited that I didn't realize many things that should be changed.
To begin with, in my specific career, they do not ask for a special admission test like in other careers at the faculty. This should mean that all teachers should be prepared to teach from scratch, but it happens that many teachers assume that students come with prior knowledge and take it for granted. This particularly affected me because, unlike many classmates, I had no prior studies and it was difficult for me to adapt.
As for the structure of the building, there are SO MANY problems. It is very unfair that students and officials have to spend a large part of our time in a place with such conditions, we do not have a casino that provides us with food while there are other faculties that even have food stores on their campuses.
There are so many things to improve within my career and university, I hope that things can change in the future and students can be provided with a free, quality education in all its aspects.