POST 4: Time travel to the Future or Past
Between traveling to the future or the past, I would definitely choose the trip to the past. Mainly because there are so many memories that I would like to relive, those experiences and emotions that are only experienced in the moment it happens, but then it is difficult to feel again with the same intensity.

In any case, I would not like to change actions from my past, because I think that although we feel bad making mistakes, these are important experiences that we need to live in order to learn to move forward and be better people. Even those embarrassing experiences (like the times I had to speak in public and I was and I was paralyzed by nerves!!) because it is thanks to those moments that we can look back in time and realize how much we have progressed as people.
In no case would I like to travel to the future, since I like to live each day without being certain of what will happen later. If I knew things that would happen in the future, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the present time because I would always be thinking about what was going to happen next and I would feel very anxious.
In short, I would prefer not to travel in time, since as the famous phrase from the Kung Fu Panda movie says: